

由於第一天到第三天都安排在那裏 所以一下機就乾脆直接租車直奔華欣 而不再跑到曼谷市區內轉搭mini van

上網查了好多網友推薦的司機 一一去寫mail詢問~~

以下就是我的需求 以及部分司機的回覆 給大家參考哩~~(BTW 有點破英文不要介意凹 ~~重點是司機看得懂也會回覆就好哩)

hello ~
we have 6 people and wanna rent a van to hua hsin.
could you tell how much is it?
and if we wanna stop at santorini park or other place?
what will be the price??
and the price including ??
the day we arrive is 8/31  and we wanna go hua hsin on that day 
maybe u need to  pick us on the airport~
thank you!!!

For your information, our Private Toyota Large D4D Van Transfer (maximum 10 passengers + light luggage) from BKK Suvarnabhumvi Airport to Hotel in Hua Hin City areas is HK$ 870 one way.  But if you book for Round Trip, it will be discounted at HK$ 1,680 round trip.


Late night above transfers will be additional HK$ 80/trip due to hardship allowance to driver.


If your hotel is in Pranburi (hotels such as Evason, Aleenta, etc.), there will be additional HK$ 95/van/trip due to extended time and gas usage.  Hotel like Privacy Beach, X2 Kui Buri (4.5 to 5 hours one way from Airport) are even more because of much longer distance. 


Rates above do not include highway fee (Bt 70 one way), parking fee at the airport (Bt 25/hour), and tips to driver (depends service quality). 

以上這家回覆相當的快~它可能是香港人在曼谷開ㄉ 所以會以港幣秀給我們知道!





the price for one way 3,000 and if you book for return trip 5,500thb.




And also if you want to stop by the way to Hua-Hin ,Can you pay more extra.


Where are you stop?


Rates are in Thai Baht are including.

-Air-conditioning vehicle
-Chauffeur Driver
-Express Way
-Gasoline used
-Tax and services charge
價錢算合理 因為我預設的價錢大約就是2500~3000 它的價錢有包含了有冷氣的車子、司機、高速公路過路費、油錢、小費 這樣感覺好像還不錯!!!
若真的最後服務不錯 可以下車再給一點小費~~
The price of a van is 3000 Baht for 1 way trip and 6000 Baht,include for The round trip.is a toyota Computer as be keep at 8-9 pax in total. & else brand will use service.

if your need to drop visit sightseeing on the way that, in add of 300 Baht per place / per hrs will be charge.
據說這位司機不太會講英文 都是由太太再接洽的!!! 但回覆的也滿快滴!!!
司機5(Pom-Sakesan thailandtaxi@gmail.com)
From Bangkok to Hua Hin City, charge 3000baht per one way. Round trip is 5500 baht. Petrol, parking and toll way are included. If on the way need stop visit place need pay extra charge 300 B
這家很多網友友推薦~~但有看到幾個比較不好的 所以暫時再觀察一下
最後我選擇了roong這位司機~~相比之下 價錢合理 評價也ok!!!

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